2025-01 - A By-law to appoint a Deputy Fire Chief for the amalgamated fire and emergency services department, Central York Fire Services (Daniel Waters)
2025-02 - A By-law to appointment a Deputy Fire Chief for the amalgamated fire and emergency services department, Central York Fire Services (Lorianne Zwicker)
2025-03 - A By-law to appoint Fire Prevention Officers (Note: At the December 3, 2024 Joint Council Committee meeting, Members recommended the enactment of this by-law by Council)
2025-04 - A By-law to amend established fees and charges for services or activities provided by the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket (General Fees and Charges) and to repeal and replace schedule "E" - Legislative Services - General Fees and schedule "I" - Legislative Services - Licensing Fees of By-law 2024-62