Town of Newmarket
Committee of the Whole

Meeting #:
Council Chambers
Municipal Offices
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7

Note: Additional items are marked by an asterisk*.

Note: Mike Mayes, Town Treasurer will be in attendance to provide a presentation on this matter. 

    1. That the report entitled Draft 2020 Operating and Capital Budgets dated November 25, 2019 be received; and
    2. And that the Draft 2020 Operating Budget with expenditures of $134,560,230 be approved, which is comprised of the following components;
      1. $65,229,417 for Town purposes
      2. $17,286,952 for Central York Fire Services (Newmarket’s share)
      3. $3,717,875 for the Newmarket Public Library
      4. $1,710,000 for the Mulock Farm levy
      5. $30,000 for the Newmarket Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA)
      6. $20,379,125 for the Water Rate Group
      7. $21,321,864 for the Wastewater Rate Group
      8. $2,141,135 for the Stormwater Rate Group
      9. $2,743,862 for the Building Permit Rate Group
    3. And that a Capital Spending Authority of $50,620,079 be established, being $37,810,575 for 2020 and $12,809,504 for 2021; and
    4. That the draft 2020 Operating and Capital Budgets be forwarded to the Council meeting of December 2, 2019 for final approval; and
    5. That Council authorize the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer to:
      1. Make any necessary adjustments within the total approved budget to reflect organizational changes and any other reallocation of costs.
      2. Accept and adjust the budget for new provincial and/or federal funding provided there is no tax levy impact.
    6. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled Recreation & Culture – Rates & Fees, 2020 dated Nov 25, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That the Schedules “A(1) to A(16)” marked as the Town of Newmarket Recreation & Culture Services Fees and Charges Schedules be approved by Bylaw; and,
    3. That the Recommending A Strategy (RAS) surcharge that is currently applied as an additional charge to all facility permits and program registrations be amended as set forth in Schedules “A(1) to A(16); and,
    4. That the fee adjustments for 2020 come into full force and affect as of January 1, 2020, save and except for program fees where the program began prior to March 1st, 2020; and,
    5. That fee increases for above noted program take affect as of March 1st, 2020; and,
    6. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled 2020 Water and Wastewater Rates dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,

    2. That the attached Schedule “A” being the Town of Newmarket Water and Wastewater Rates be approved and adopted by by-law; and,

    3. That the Water and Wastewater Rates adjustments come into full force and effect as of January 1, 2020.

    1. That the report entitled 2020 Stormwater Rates dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That the attached Schedule “A” being the Town of Newmarket 2020 Stormwater Rates be approved and adopted by by-law; and,
    3. That the 2020 Stormwater Rates come into full force and effect as of January 1, 2020.
    1. That the report entitled 2020 User Fees and Charges – Planning Act Fees dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That the attached Schedule “A” being the Town of Newmarket 2020 Planning Application Fees Schedule be approved and adopted by by-law; and,
    3. That the fee adjustments come into full force and effect as of January 1, 2020.
    1. That the report entitled 2020 Building Permit Fees dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,

    2. That the attached Schedule “A” being the Town of Newmarket 2020 Building Permit Fee Schedule be approved and adopted by by-law; and,

    3. That the fee adjustments come into full force and effect as of January 1, 2020.

    1. That the report entitled 2020 Fees and Charges – General – Various Departments dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,

    2. That the attached Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F” marked as the Town of Newmarket 2020 All Departments, Corporate Services – Finance & Procurement, IT, Legal Services, Public Works Services, Engineering Services, Legislative Services respectively, be approved and adopted by by-law; and,

    3. That the fee adjustments come into full force and effect as of January 1, 2020.

    1. That the report entitled Established Neighbourhoods Study – Interim Control By-law dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That the By-law included as Attachment 2 be adopted; and,
    3. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled Site Specific Exemption to Interim Control By-law 2019-04 for 81 Joseph Street dated November 25th, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That Council approve the requested site-specific exemption to Interim Control by-law 2019-04 for 81 Joseph Street and adopt the attached exemption by-law.
    1. That the report entitled Bill 108 – Planning Review Process Changes dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That Council endorse the recommended process changes; and,
    3. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled Adoption of the Emergency Response Plan dated November 12, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That the updated Emergency Response Plan be enacted; and,
    3. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled Regional Incentive Programs – 175 Deerfield Road dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That the amended incentives for the 175 Deerfield Road development be approved to align with the new Regional incentive program as presented in this report; and,
    3. That staff be directed to review the newly-adopted Regional incentive programs for rental housing and office developments and provide recommendations on how to maximize benefit to Newmarket; and,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled VivaNext Bus Rapid Transit Y3.2 Yonge Street Noise By-law Exemption dated November 25, 2019 be received; and,
    2. That the request from RapidLINK for a noise exemption to perform necessary works for the vivaNext Bus Rapid Transit Y3.2 project between the hours of 8:00 PM to 7:00 AM on weekdays, and between the hours of 5:00 PM to 9:00 AM on weekends from January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2020 (7 days a week), be approved; excluding December 25, 2020 (Christmas Day) and December 26, 2020 (Boxing Day); and,
    3. That this approval is subject to ongoing staff supervision and community impact assessment and revocation if community impact is deemed excessive by staff or Council; and,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
  • Whereas, the Town of Newmarket recognizes the important role that libraries play in our community. Libraries and the early literacy programs that they run are integral to developing proficient readers and ensuring that children succeed in school. More and more, digital literacy programs run by libraries also help ensure that citizens can contribute to our digital world. Additionally, vulnerable demographic groups, including seniors, low income families, youth, and new Canadians rely on access to libraries as an important tool for their participation in the community – from education to searching for jobs to consuming Canadian cultural materials; and,

    Whereas, libraries in our community recognize that our users increasingly seek to access ebooks and other e-content offered by multinational publishers, and that access to those publications is too often curtailed by prohibitively high licensing fees or else entirely denied to Canadian libraries; and,

    Whereas, libraries must be in a position to offer e-books and other e-content to their users as part of their service offering to our community, particularly given the contemporary rapid pace of digitization of educational and cultural materials.

    Now, therefore be it resolved that the Town of Newmarket does hereby:

    1. Indicate our support for the Canadian Urban Libraries Council in its efforts to increase access to ebooks and other econtent for library users in Newmarket and across Canada; and,
    2. Call on the federal government to investigate the barriers faced by libraries in acquiring ebooks and other econtent and the problems that poses for vulnerable demographic groups in Canada; and,
    3. Further ask the federal government to develop a solution that increases access to ebooks and other econtent across Canada and assists libraries in meeting the cost requirements to acquire e-books and other e-content.
    1. That the Central York Fire Services – Joint Council Committee Special Meeting (Closed Session) Minutes of September 11, 2019 be received.
    1. That the Elman W. Campbell Museum Board of Management Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2019 be received.
  • The Strategic Leadership Team/Operational Leadership Team recommend that the following be referred to staff for review and report:

    1. That the Heritage Newmarket Advisory Committee recommend to Council that the windows in the Stickwood Walker House be replaced only if it can be demonstrated that they cannot be restored; and,
    2. That the tail wing structure of the house be restored.
    1. That the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Annual General Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2018 and General Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2019 be received.
    1. That the outstanding matters list be received. 

Labour Relations - Central York Fire Services Collective Agreement

Labour relations or employee negotiations as per Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001

Old Fire Hall - 140 Main Street - request for Proposals for Adaptive Re-use

A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board as per Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act, 2001.

Stickwood Walker Farmhouse Renovation

A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization as per Section 239 (2) (i) of the Municipal Act, 2001.

Proposed Settlement regarding Sabrina’s Restaurant Litigation

Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals,
affecting the municipality or local board as per Section 239 (2) (e) of the Municipal
Act, 2001.

Lucila Sandroval, Groundswell Urban Planning will be in attendance to provide a presentation on this matter. The presentation will be provided when available.

The following report has been attached for information purposes only:

  • Planning and Building Services 2019-97 dated October 15, 2019 regarding 665-695 Stonehaven Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application

A representative from Groundswell Urban Planning will be in attendance to provide a presentation on this matter.

The following report has been attached for information purposes only:

  • Planning and Building Services 2019-77 dated August 26, 2019 regarding Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment Glenway Blocks 164 & 165
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