Town of NewmarketAgendaCouncil - ElectronicMeeting #:Date:Monday, May 15, 2023Time: 1:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Location:Streamed live from the Municipal Offices395 Mulock DriveNewmarket, ON L3Y 4X71.Notice This meeting will be streamed live at InputIndividuals who wish to submit input to Council in relation to an item on this agenda have the following options available. Email your correspondence to [email protected] by end of day on May 14, 2023. Written correspondence received by this date will form part of the public record; or, You are strongly encouraged to pre-register if you would like to make a deputation at the meeting. For more information regarding the options available, email your request and contact information to [email protected]. 2.Additions & Corrections to the Agenda Note: Additional items are marked by an asterisk*.That the Additions and Corrections be approved.3.Conflict of Interest Declarations 4.Public Hearing Matter(s) How to get involved with planning applications (item 4.1)Newmarket Council will not be making any final decisions at this meeting in relation to item 4.1, all written and verbal comments will be given to Planning staff to consider in a future report. A report will then be provided to Council at a future Committee of the Whole or Council Meeting.Residents are encouraged to get involved in the public planning process by submitting written comments or providing a deputation during the meeting. To learn more about how to get involved, please email [email protected] and include your contact information (name and phone number).4.1Town of Newmarket Official Plan Review: Section 26 Meeting and Background Summary Report Review 1.Town of Newmarket OPR_Section 26 Meeting_Draft v3.pdfNote: Andria Sallese, Project Manager, WSP and Nadia Dowhaniuk, Planner, WSP will deliver a presentation on this matter. That the presentation by Andrea Sallese, Project Manager, WSP and Nadia Dowhaniuk, Planner, WSP regarding the Town of Newmarket Official Plan Review: Section 26 Meeting and Background Summary Report Review be received. 4.1.1Frank Orsi 5.Presentations & Recognitions 6.Deputations 6.1Update on the activities of Newmarket Community Action Table (NMKT CAT) 1.Newmarket CAT Presenation to Town of Newmarket Council May 15 2023.pdfNote: Sandra Hanmer from the Newmarket Community Action Table will depute regarding this matter. That the deputation provided by Sandra Hanmer on behalf of the Newmarket Community Action Table regarding an update on their activities be received. 7.Minutes 7.1Council Electronic Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2023 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CME_Apr24_2023 - English.pdf That the Council Electronic Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2023 be approved. 8.Reports by Regional Representatives 9.Consent Items and Recommendations from Committees 9.1Committee of the Whole Electronic Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2023 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COWE_May08_2023(1) - English.pdf That the Committee of the Whole Electronic Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2023 be received and the recommendations noted within be adopted. 9.1.1Newmarket Energy Efficiency Retrofit (NEER) 1.Updated_NEER COW May 8th.pdf That the presentation provided by Parminder Sandhu, Executive Chairman, Enerva regarding the Newmarket Energy Efficiency Retrofit (NEER) be received. 9.1.2Deputation - Camile Garzon: Hike for Hospice 1.Deputation Form_Ming Cheng Redacted.pdf2.Hike-for-Hospice_poster-2023-Final.pdf That the deputation provided by Camile Garzon, Fund Development Manager, Better Living Health and Community Services regarding Hike for Hospice be received. 9.1.3Deputation - David McKay: Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision - 1038 & 1040 Jacarandah Drive 1.Deputation Form_David McKay Redacted.pdf2.1038-1040 Jacarandah Dr Newmarket_Meeting Presentation (May 8 2023).pdf That the deputation provided by David McKay, Vice President & Partner, MHBC Planning, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture regarding Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision - 1038 & 1040 Jacarandah Drive be received. 9.1.4Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision - 1038 & 1040 Jacarandah Drive 1.1038 and 1040 Jacarandah - Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision .pdf2.Appendix A – Conditions of Draft Approval.pdf3.Appendix B – Proposed Zoning By-law .pdf4.Appendix C – Draft Plan of Subdivision .pdf5.Appendix D – Location Map .pdf6.Appendix E – Concept Site Plan .pdf That the report entitled Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision – 1038 & 1040 Jacarandah Drive dated May 8th, 2023 be received; and, That the applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, as submitted by 2529437 Ontario Ltd. for lands municipally known as 1038 & 1040 Jacarandah Drive, be approved, and that staff be directed to present the Zoning By-law Amendment, including necessary Holding provisions, to Council for approval; and, That the approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision 19TN 2021 001 is also subject to the schedule of conditions set out in Schedule D attached to and forming part of this report; and, That 2529437 Ontario Ltd and MHBC Planning, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture, be notified of this action; and, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.1.5Penn Avenue Traffic Review - Update 1.Penn Avenue Traffic Review - Update.pdf That the report entitled “Penn Avenue Traffic Review – Update” dated May 8, 2023, be received; and, That All-Way Stop controls not be implemented at this time at the intersections of Penn Avenue with Vincent Street; and, That All-Way Stop controls be implemented at either the intersections of Penn Avenue with Hillview Drive or Denne Boulevard, and that upon further analysis of the two intersections, staff be directed to present Council with a recommendation on one of them at a future Council meeting; and, That traffic calming measures involving flexible bollards and the narrowing of travel lanes through the application of urban shoulders be implemented in 2023 and that resulting speeds be monitored; and, That road signage relocations or realignments be made in 2023; and, That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.1.6Street Naming Policy and Reserve List Update 1.Street Naming Policy and Reserve List Update.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Summary of names proposed for inclusion on the Town's Street Name Reserve List.pdf That the report entitled Street Naming Policy and Reserve List Update dated May 8, 2023 be received; and, That the Town’s Street Naming Policy be updated; and, That Staff be directed to report to Council and suggest names for inclusion on the reserve list that is reflective of Indigenous people and people of colour; and, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.1.7Museum Board Update, 2022 - 2026 1.Museum Board Update 2022-2026.pdf That the report entitled Museum Board Update, 2022-2026 dated May 8, 2023 be received; and, That development and implementation of a dedicated recruitment campaign for Museum Board members be approved; and, That staff be directed to work with newly recruited board members to develop a schedule of meetings that may differ from the existing terms of reference; and, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.1.8York Region Municipal Streetscape Partnership Program – Mulock Park Public Art at Yonge Street/Mulock Drive Intersection 1.Mulock Park York Region Municipal Streetscape Partnership Program.pdf2.Mulock Public Art Plan.pdf That the report entitled York Region Municipal Streetscape Partnership Program – Mulock Park Public Art at Yonge Street/Mulock Drive Intersection, dated May 8, 2023 be received; and, That the Engineering Services Department be authorized to submit an application under the Municipal Streetscape Partnership Program (MSPP) offered by York Region for the construction of the Beacon Art installation (“streetscape improvements”) on roadways at the intersection of Yonge Street and Mulock Drive; and, That, if successful, the Town will fund at least 50% of the design and construction costs associated with the public art, to a maximum Town contribution of $330,000; and, That, if successful, staff be directed to enter into a maintenance agreement with York Region; and, That once the streetscape and intersection improvements are complete, they be maintained by the Town at its sole cost; and, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 9.1.9Newmarket Public Library Board Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2023 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - NPLB_Feb15_2023 - English.pdf That the Newmarket Public Library Board Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2023 be received. 9.2Correspondence - Dorothy Flisak: 1039 and 1040 Jacarandah Drive 1.Correspondence - Dorothy Flisak - Redacted.pdfNote: this item relates to items 9.1.4 and By-law 2023-30 That the correspondence from Dorothy Flisak regarding 1039 and 1040 Jacarandah Drive be received. 9.3Correspondence - Sarah Mitchell: Penn Avenue Traffic Review - Update 1.Penn Ave Stop Sign.pdfNote: this item relates to item 9.1.5. That the correspondence from Sarah Mitchell regarding the Penn Avenue Traffic Review Update be received. 9.4Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Finances Audit 1.242-2023-5 Newmarket CAO Audit of Finances SIGNED.pdf2.Terms of Reference for Audit - Newmarket.pdf That the letter dated May 3, 2023 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Finances Audit Town of Newmarket Terms of Reference be received; and, That the Commissioner of Corporate Services be authorized to sign the Ministry of Municipal Finances Audit Town of Newmarket Terms of Reference; and, That a copy of the signed Ministry of Municipal Finances Audit Town of Newmarket Terms of Reference be provided to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; and, That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution. 10.By-laws 1.By-law CBA.pdf2.1038 1040 Jacarandah Drive -By-law_.pdf2023-28 A By-law to authorize the appointment of Building Officials2023-30 A By-law to amend By-law Number 2010-40 as amended being the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law (1038 and 1040 Jacarandah Drive) That By-laws 2023-28 and 2023 be enacted. 11.Notices of Motions 12.Motions Where Notice has Already been Provided 13.New Business 13.1May 29th 13.2Central York Fire Services Carwash 14.Closed Session (if required) 14.1Council (Closed Session) Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2023 Attachments | Public Comments1.By-law CBA.pdf2.1038 1040 Jacarandah Drive -By-law_.pdf14.2Committee of the Whole Meeting (Closed Session) Minutes of May 8, 2023 Public Comments: 14.2.1Newmarket Energy Efficiency Retrofit (NEER) Public Comments: A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization, as per Section 239 (2)(i) of the Municipal Act, 2001.14.2.2Proposed Acquisition of Land -- Ward 2 Public Comments: A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board as per Section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001.14.2.3Bill 23 Update Public Comments: Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose as per Section 239(2)(f) of the Municipal Act, 2001.14.3Appointment to Newmarket Economic Development Advisory Committee Public Comments: Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees as per section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001.15.Confirmatory By-law 1.Confirmatory By-law Council - Electronic May 15, 2023.pdf2023-29 A By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the May 15, 2023 Council - Electronic meeting. That By-law 2023-29 be enacted. 16.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.By-law CBA.pdf2.1038 1040 Jacarandah Drive -By-law_.pdf1.Confirmatory By-law Council - Electronic May 15, 2023.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COWE_May08_2023(1) - English.pdf1.Deputation Form_Ming Cheng Redacted.pdf2.Hike-for-Hospice_poster-2023-Final.pdf1.Deputation Form_David McKay Redacted.pdf2.1038-1040 Jacarandah Dr Newmarket_Meeting Presentation (May 8 2023).pdf1.1038 and 1040 Jacarandah - Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision .pdf2.Appendix A – Conditions of Draft Approval.pdf3.Appendix B – Proposed Zoning By-law .pdf4.Appendix C – Draft Plan of Subdivision .pdf5.Appendix D – Location Map .pdf6.Appendix E – Concept Site Plan .pdf1.Penn Avenue Traffic Review - Update.pdf1.Street Naming Policy and Reserve List Update.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Summary of names proposed for inclusion on the Town's Street Name Reserve List.pdf1.Museum Board Update 2022-2026.pdf1.Mulock Park York Region Municipal Streetscape Partnership Program.pdf2.Mulock Public Art Plan.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - NPLB_Feb15_2023 - English.pdf1.Updated_NEER COW May 8th.pdf1.Correspondence - Dorothy Flisak - Redacted.pdf1.Penn Ave Stop Sign.pdf1.Town of Newmarket OPR_Section 26 Meeting_Draft v3.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CME_Apr24_2023 - English.pdf1.242-2023-5 Newmarket CAO Audit of Finances SIGNED.pdf2.Terms of Reference for Audit - Newmarket.pdf1.Newmarket CAT Presenation to Town of Newmarket Council May 15 2023.pdf