The Clerk welcomed the public to the Virtual Public Planning and Council meeting. She advised that the Planning Act requires the Town to hold at least one public meeting on any proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment or Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium.
The Clerk advised that the purpose of the public meeting is to hear from anyone who has an interest in the following application:
- 43 Lundy’s Lane, 592 Watson Avenue, 40, 36 and 32 Bolton Avenue. This application proposes a Zoning By-law amendment to rezone the subject lands from the existing Residential Detached Dwelling Zone to Mixed Use Zone. The effect of this application would allow a residential development comprised of 79 apartment units, configured in a 4-storey apartment building.
The Clerk encouraged anyone who was interested in providing verbal feedback to Council regarding the application to join the meeting electronically by emailing [email protected].
The Clerk advised that if anyone wished to be notified of any subsequent meetings regarding this matter, they may email [email protected].
The Clerk noted that in accordance with the Planning Act, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal may dismiss an appeal to the Tribunal, without holding a hearing, if the appellant failed to make either oral submissions at the public meeting or provide written submissions to Council prior to adoption of the application.
The Clerk thanked residents for their participation and interest in the meeting.