Town of Newmarket


Committee of the Whole - Electronic

Meeting #:
Streamed live from the Municipal Offices
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7
Members Present:
  • Mayor Taylor
  • Deputy Mayor & Regional Councillor Vegh
  • Councillor Simon
  • Councillor Woodhouse
  • Councillor Twinney
  • Councillor Morrison
  • Councillor Kwapis
  • Councillor Broome (1:03 PM to 4:54 PM)
  • Councillor Bisanz
Staff Present:
  • I. McDougall, Chief Administrative Officer
  • P. Noehammer, Commissioner of Development & Infrastructure Services
  • C. Service, Acting Commissioner of Community Services
  • L. Lyons, Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk
  • K. Saini, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Town Clerk
  • J. Unger, Director of Planning & Building Services

For consideration by Council on May 6, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM.

Mayor Taylor in the Chair

Committee of the Whole recessed at 2:33 PM and reconvened at 2:41 PM. 



Mayor Taylor advised that the Municipal Offices were open to the public, and that members of the public could attend this meeting in person or view the live stream available at Residents who would like to provide comment on an item on this agenda were encouraged to provide their feedback in writing through email to Legislative Services at [email protected] or by providing a deputation electronically or in-person. He advised residents that their comments would form part of the public record.

The Clerk provided the following correction:

  • A correction was made to third-party information within Closed Session item 12.2 and was supplied in confidence to the municipality.  
  • Moved by:Councillor Morrison
    Seconded by:Councillor Woodhouse
    1. That the correction be adopted.


Deputy Mayor and Regional Councillor Vegh declared a conflict of interest on item 7.4 Annual Servicing Allocation Review regarding the allocation for 600 Stonehaven Avenue.

The Clerk provided a welcome to the Public Planning and Council Meeting. She advised the Planning Act requires the Town to hold at least one public meeting on any proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment or Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium.

The Clerk advised that the purpose of today's meeting is to hear from anyone who has an interest in the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment at 615, 625, and 631 Davis Drive and 23, 29, 33, and 39 Bolton Avenue. 

The Clerk advised that the purpose and effect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment is to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit one six-storey apartment building with 287 units and one mixed-use 15-storey apartment building with 480 units and 1540 square meters of commercial space (767 residential condominium units in total).

The  Clerk advised that Council will not be making a final decision on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment but will refer all written and verbal comments to Planning Staff to consider and return with a report to a future Committee of the Whole or Council meeting.

The Clerk advised that individuals who wish to join the discussion and verbally address Council to email [email protected] or call 905-953-5300 extension 2203.

The Clerk advised that written comments can also be received after the public meeting has concluded and can be sent to [email protected]. She added that if individuals wish to be notified of any subsequent meetings regarding this matter to email staff at [email protected].

The Clerk noted that that in accordance with the Planning Act, the Ontario Land Tribunal may dismiss an appeal to the Tribunal, without holding a hearing, if the appellant failed to make either oral submissions at the public meeting or provide written submissions to Council prior to adoption of the application.

The Clerk thanked individuals for their participation and interest in today’s meeting.

Angela Sciberras, Principal, Macaulay Shiomi Howson Limited provided a presentation regarding 615 Davis Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Fernbrook Core (Davis Drive) Construction Limited including introductions; subject site 615, 625, 631 Davis Drive 0, 23, 29, 33, 39 Bolton Avenue; area context; surrounding context; project timeline; policy context; policy context - Region of York; policy context - Newmarket Official Plan; policy context - future local road; Newmarket Urban Centres Zoning By-law 2019-06; Proposed Official Plan Amendment (OPA); Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA); proposed site plan and building rendering; proposed development statistics; proposed landscape plan; conceptual elevations; and conceptual design images. 

Members of Council queried the presenter regarding clarification of the roads and trail and playground amenities.

  • Moved by:Councillor Twinney
    Seconded by:Councillor Broome
    1. That the presentation provided by Angela Sciberras, Principal, Macaulay Shiomi Howson Limited regarding 615 Davis Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Fernbrook Core (Davis Drive) Construction Limited be received. 


Lauren Merklinger deputed regarding 615 Davos Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Fernbrook Core (Davis Drive) Construction Limited regarding traffic and traffic safety. 

Members of Council queried staff regarding planned development in the area as well as design and plans for a future public road and a traffic study.

  • Moved by:Councillor Twinney
    Seconded by:Councillor Bisanz
    1. That the deputation and correspondence provided by Lauren Merklinger regarding 615 Davis Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Fernbrook Core (Davis Drive) Construction Limited be received.  


Pat Giorno deputed regarding 615 Davis Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Fernbrook Core (Davis Drive) Construction Limited regarding traffic on Watson Avenue and Lundy's Lane including stopping, illegal parking, parking enforcement, lift gate in the medical arts building, and GO Train station parking lot expansion. 

Members of Council queried Staff regarding a study of Lundy's Lane and the lift gate.

  • Moved by:Councillor Twinney
    Seconded by:Councillor Kwapis
    1. That the deputation provided by Pat Giorno regarding 615 Davis Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Fernbrook Core (Davis Drive) Construction Limited be received. 


Michael Nakou deputed regarding 615 Davis Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Fernbrook Core (Davis Drive) Construction Limited regarding a comprehensive Town plan for pedestrians, grocery stores, and cycling. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Twinney
    Seconded by:Councillor Woodhouse
    1. That the deputation - Michael M  regarding 615 Davis Drive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments be received. 


The Director of Financial Services and Treasurer provided introductory remarks. 

The Manager of Financial and Accounting Services and Deputy Treasurer presented regarding the 2024 Budget Process and Target including agenda, objectives, 10% lower than Greater Toronto Hamilton area average; reserve balances have been increasing; proposed schedule; public engagement; capital budget; capital planning; rate-supported operating budgets, and tax-supported operating budgets.

Members of Council discussed communications strategies, the budget target, and the Greater Toronto Hamilton area average.

Members of Council queried Staff regarding maintaining taxes 10% lower than the Greater Toronto Hamilton area average. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Woodhouse
    Seconded by:Councillor Morrison
    1. That the presentation provided by Andrea Tang, Manager Finance and Accounting Services and Deputy Treasurer regarding 2025 Budget Process and Targets is received.



  • Moved by:Councillor Broome
    Seconded by:Councillor Woodhouse
    1. That items 7.5 to 7.7 be adopted on consent. See sub-items 7.1 to 7.4 for motion.

  • Moved by:Councillor Woodhouse
    Seconded by:Councillor Morrison
    1. That the report entitled 2025 Budget Target and Process dated April 29, 2024 be received; and,
    2. That the proposed budget schedule with a target budget adoption date of December 9, 2024, be approved; and,
    3. That Council confirms the target tax levy for the tax-supported operating budget to be below 3.0%; and,
    4. That endorsement be given to staff to proceed with preparation of the 2025 budgets employing the structure as outlined in this report; and,
    5. That the form and timing of budget submissions for all entities accountable to Council be subject to the process outlined in this report; and,
    6. That the proposed community engagement plan for the 2025 budget be adopted; and,
    7. That the Treasurer be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

  • Moved by:Councillor Kwapis
    Seconded by:Councillor Bisanz
    1. That the report entitled Church Street Parking Review dated April 29, 2024 be received; and,
    2. That the Parking Bylaw amendments noted in Appendix A be approved; and,
    3. That staff consider Category 1 traffic calming measures in 2024 for Church Street; and,
    4. That the on-street parking situation be monitored and reviewed after the Downtown Parking Structure is completed; and,
    5. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

  • Moved by:Councillor Bisanz
    Seconded by:Councillor Twinney
    1. That the report entitled Crossland Gate Traffic Review dated April 29, 2024, be received; and,
    2. That no changes to the parking restrictions on Crossland Gate be implemented at this time; and,
    3. That urban shoulders be considered on Crossland Gate between Alex Doner Drive and Eagle Street West for 2024; and,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.


Deputy Mayor and Regional Councillor Vegh declared a conflict in relation to this item and did not participate or vote on this matter.

  • Moved by:Councillor Kwapis
    Seconded by:Councillor Broome
    1. That the report entitled 2024 Annual Servicing Allocation Review dated April 29, 2024 be received; and,
    2. That Council reinstate servicing allocation to the developments as outlined in Attachment 1 to this staff report; and,
    3. That Council commit servicing allocation to the developments as outlined in Table 1 of this staff report; and,
    4. That Council rescind servicing allocation to the development at 1015-1029 Davis Drive and 22 Hamilton; and,
    5. That the Town’s remaining servicing capacity (the Town Servicing Allocation Reserve) of 1,330 persons be maintained for future development, of which 150 persons is to be held in the Small Developments Reserve; and,
    6. That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

    1. That the report entitled “Administrative Monetary Penalty System, Changes for Automated Speed Enforcement Applications and Housekeeping” dated April 29, 2024, be received; and,
    2. That Council repeal Automated Speed Enforcement By-law 2023-09; and,
    3. That Council repeal the Administrative Monetary Penalty Systems By-law 2019-62; and,
    4. That Council adopt the Administrative Monetary Penalty Systems By-law 2024-16; and,
    5. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

    1. That the Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee meeting minutes of March 5, 2024 be received.

    1. That the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2024 be received. 


  • Moved by:Councillor Woodhouse
    Seconded by:Councillor Kwapis
    1. That Council direct Staff to review and engage with local businesses regarding parking restrictions on Twinney Drive.


Councillor Kwapis provided an update regarding the opening of the Newmarket Farmer's Market. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Twinney
    Seconded by:Councillor Bisanz
    1. That Council direct Staff to revisit, review, and report back on parking restrictions on Krista Court.


Councillor Twinney queried staff regarding extending the timeline of the closure of the washrooms at the Global Pet Foods Dog Park.

Councillor Simon provided an announcement about an upcoming event United in Safety as part of Victim Crime Services week. 

Councillor Broome congratulated Central York Fire Services Firefighter Miranda Hebert on being awarded the Public Heroes Award from the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (IDI). 

Councillor Broome thanked Newmarket staff for participating in the Run for Southlake.

Mayor Taylor provided an announcement that Trinity United Church will be celebrating its 200th Congregation Anniversary.

  • Committee of the Whole resolved into Closed Session at 3:20 PM.

    Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) minutes are recorded under separate cover.

    Committee of the Whole resumed Open Session at 4:53 PM.

    Moved by:Councillor Morrison
    Seconded by:Councillor Simon
    1. That Committee of the Whole resolve into Closed Session to discuss the following matters: 


      1. Newmarket Hydro Holdings Incorporated Matter - Third-party information supplied in confidence to the municipality, which, if disclosed, could significantly prejudice a competitive position or interfere with negotiations (e.g., a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information) as per Section 239(2)(i) of the Municipal Act, 2001. 


      2. Community Safety Camera Program, Automated Speed Enforcement Implementation - Third-party information supplied in confidence to the municipality, which, if disclosed, could significantly prejudice a competitive position or interfere with negotiations (e.g., a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information) as per Section 239(2)(i) of the Municipal Act, 2001. 


Newmarket Hydro Holdings Incorporated Matter


Community Safety Camera Program, Automated Speed Enforcement Implementation


Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee meeting minutes (Closed Session) of March 5, 2024

  • Moved by:Councillor Woodhouse
    Seconded by:Councillor Bisanz
    1. That the Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee meeting minutes (Closed Session) of March 5, 2024 be received.

  • Moved by:Councillor Morrison
    Seconded by:Councillor Twinney
    1. That the meeting be adjourned at 4:54 PM.
