Town of Newmarket
Committee of the Whole - Electronic

Meeting #:
Streamed live from the Municipal Offices
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7



This meeting will be streamed live at

Public Input

Individuals who wish to submit input to Council in relation to an item on this agenda have the following options available.

  1. Email your correspondence to [email protected] by end of day on January 18, 2023. Written correspondence received by this date will form part of the public record; or,
  2. You are strongly encouraged to pre-register if you would like to make a deputation at the meeting. For more information regarding the options available, email your request and contact information to [email protected].

Note: Additional items are marked by an asterisk*.

Note: Flynn Scott, Lead Project Manager, will provide a presentation on this matter. 

    1. That the presentation provided by Flynn Scott, Lead Project Manager, regarding Automated (Speed) Enforcement be received.  
    1. That the report titled Krista Court Parking Review dated January 30, 2023 be received; and,
    2. That the parking restriction noted in Appendix A be adopted; and,
    3. That No Parking signs be installed in the cul-de-sac; and,
    4. That the 2-year moratorium on parking reviews for Krista Court, as noted in the Parking Policy, be lifted; and,
    5. That the School Boards be sent copy of this report for their consideration and action; and,
    6. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled Adaptive Re-Use of the Former Operations Centre, 623-625 Timothy Street dated January 30, 2023 be received; and,
    2. That Council approve the issuance of a Request for Proposal that includes:
      1. Phase One that results in a detailed redevelopment concept plan of the Old Operation Centre site that meets economic and community development goals of the Town and is based on an extensive community engagement process; and,
      2. Subject to Council’s authorization, Phase Two for the completion of a comprehensive business plan that includes capital costs to redevelop the site in accordance with the concept plan, sources of financing, and an Operations and Management plan that ensures long term economic sustainability; and,
    3. That subject to a supportable redevelopment concept and business plan, staff be directed to work with the successful proponent to redevelop and operationalize the site via a lease agreement.
    1. That the Central York Fire Services Joint Council Committee Minutes of September 6, 2022 be received. 
    1. That the Audit Committee Meeting Minutes of June 7, 2022 be received. 
    1. That the report entitled Introduction to the Automated (Speed) Enforcement Program, dated January 30, 2023, be received; and,
    2. That Council direct staff to proceed with Option 1 or Option 2, as set out in this Report; and,
    3. That Should Council direct staff to proceed with Option 1 or Option 2, that staff be authorized to submit the required applications, negotiate, enter into, and execute new agreement(s) with His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Transportation (the “MTO”), for the access and use of license plate registration information to support the establishment of an automated speed enforcement program in Newmarket on terms and conditions generally set out in this report; and/or (in the event that Council directs staff to proceed with Option 1) that staff be authorized to submit the required applications, negotiate, enter into, and execute new agreements with the City of Toronto for the administration of an ASE program; and,
    4. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to these recommendations.