Newmarket Public Library Board


NPL LogoNewmarket Public Library Board

Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Newmarket Public Library Board Room



Present:                                Joan Stonehocker – Chair

Tom Vegh – Vice Chair (arrived at 5:30 pm)

Tara Brown

Michael Castro

Tom Hempen (arrived at 5:20 pm)

John Taylor (left at 6:35 pm)


Regrets:                                Wes Playter


Staff Present:                      Todd Kyle, CEO

                                                Linda Peppiatt, Deputy CEO

                                                Lianne Bond, Administrative Coordinator



The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.


  1. Adoption of Agenda Items


i)     Adoption of Regular Agenda

ii)    Adoption of the Closed Session Agenda

iii)   Adoption of Consent Agenda items


The Chair asked if there were any additions to the agenda. 


Motion 14.05.308


Moved by John Taylor

Seconded by Michael Castro


That Agendas i) to iii) be adopted as presented.




  1. Declarations


None were declared.


  1. Consent Agenda Items:


i)     Adoption of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ii)    Adoption of the Closed Session Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, April 16, 2014

iii)   Strategic Operations Report for April, 2014

iv)   Library Statistical Data

v)    Monthly Bank Transfer



Motion 14.04.309


Moved by Tom Hempen

            Seconded by Tara Brown


That Consent Agenda Item i) be received as amended and items ii) to v) be received as presented.




  1. Motion to Convene into a Closed Session


Motion 14.05.310


Moved by Tara Brown

Seconded by Michael Castro


That the Library Board convene into a closed session at 5:18 pm for the purposes of discussing labour relation matters.




Motion 14.05.311


Moved by John Taylor

Seconded by Tara Brown


That the Library Board move out of the closed session at 5:25 pm.




  1. Reports


i)     2013 Draft Audited Financial Statements


The CEO provided an overview and clarification of the results of the 2013 Audit.


Motion 14.05.312


Moved by John Taylor

Seconded by Michael Castro


That the Library Board approve the 2013 Audited Financial Statements of the Town of Newmarket Public Library Board as presented.







ii)    Electronics Materials Budget


The CEO advised the Library Board of the need for expanded electronic resources as this service continues to grow.  The CEO proposed that the Library can reduce the Building Repairs and Maintenance account by $10,000 per year as contingency funds are built into this budget line, in order that it can be transferred to the Electronic Materials & Subscriptions line.  Should unforeseen building repairs arise, Operating Reserves could be used to pay for one-time unplanned expenditures.


Motion 14.05.313


Moved by John Taylor

Seconded by Michael Castro


That the Library Board approve additional expenditure of $10,000 in the Electronic Materials and Subscriptions budget line offset by reduced expenditure in the Building Repairs and Maintenance budget line for fiscal year 2014.


That the Library Board grant the CEO authority to approve unplanned emergency building expenditures from the Operating Reserve to a value of up to $10,000.00, subject to immediate communication with the Chair and subsequent reporting to the Board.




iii)   Fundraising Reserve


The Library Board reviewed the report on the Fundraising Reserve and the request to spend the balance of the Fundraising Reserve on additional related equipment on the expanding Library’s maker related programming.


Motion 14.05.314


Moved by Michael Castro

Seconded by Tara Brown


That the Library Board receive the report on the Fundraising Reserve and approve the use of the existing Fundraising Reserve balance for equipment supporting maker programs for young people.




  1. Business Arising


i)     Town of Newmarket e-Agenda System


The Library has been asked to participate in the Town of Newmarket’s e-Agenda system in order that Library public minutes, agenda’s and documents can be accessed through this system.  Leading Boards Electronic Repository system the Library Board subscribes to has similar applications, however is not publicly accessible.  The Library Board agreed to continue with the Leading Boards subscription for one year with a review of renewing it in March of 2015.


ii)    Provincial Candidate Advocacy


A Provincial Candidate letter will be sent to all candidates in the riding of Newmarket-Aurora advocating Library services.


iii)   Action List


The Board reviewed and updated the Action List


Motion 14.05.315


Moved by Tara Brown

            Seconded by Tom Hempen


That the Library Board receive the Action List as presented.




iv)  Green Reads Book Vending - Update


The CEO updated the Library Board on the crowding funding campaign for the Green Reads Vending machine.  The campaign did not meet the target therefore the Library will go ahead with the purchase of the vending machine.  The Library Board directed the CEO to see if a “buy back” option could be negotiated in the purchase of the vending machine.


  1. New Business


There was no new business.


  1. Date(s) of Future Meetings


The next regular Library Board meeting will be Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 5:00 pm in the Library Board room


  1. Adjournment


Motion 14.05.316


Moved by Michael Castro

            Seconded by Tara Brown


That there being no further business meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm




__________________________              ________________________

Joan Stonehocker                                       Todd Kyle, CEO

Chair                                                              Secretary/Treasurer

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