Whereas York Region has averaged a 50 percent intensification rate since 2016; and,
Whereas Newmarket's current intensification rate is approximately 85 percent; and,
Whereas a recent report by Hemson Consulting Ltd. for the City of Ottawa found that sprawl costs the municipality more than $460 per capita and intensifications can save the municipality more than $600 per capita, illustrating that sprawl is not sustainable; and,
Whereas a 60 percent intensification rate to 2051 in York Region would direct the majority of the Region’s growth to Centres and Corridors and Major Transit Station Areas which is well supported by Regional and Provincial infrastructure; and,
Whereas a 60 percent intensification rate to 2051 in York Region would result in the protection of the majority of the "whitebelt" for continued agricultural use; and,
Whereas the following groups do not support the Region of York's proposed phased 50 – 55% intensification rate (50% until 2041, 55% from 2041 to 2051) and seek at a minimum a 60 percent rate of intensification:
- Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust
- Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition
- Concerned Citizens of King Township
- York Region Federation of Agriculture; and,
Whereas the Town of Newmarket has declared a climate emergency; and,
Therefore be it resolved,
- That the Council of the Town of Newmarket calls on York Region to target a minimum 55%-60% intensification rate when it revises its Official Plan in 2022.