Town of Newmarket
Newmarket Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Streamed live from the Municipal Offices
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7



Members of the public may view this meeting through the live stream available at, or attend in person at the Council Chambers at 395 Mulock Drive.

    1. That the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee meeting minutes of June 27, 2024 be approved.

Note: Marsaydees Ferrell, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist will provide a presentation on this matter.

    1. That the presentation by Marsaydees Ferrell, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Specialist regarding the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Action Plan - September Update be received. 

Note: Simon Granat, Legislative Coordinator will provide a presentation on this matter.

    1. That the presentation provided by Simon Granat, Legislative Coordinator regarding Legislative Orientation Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee be received.
    1. That the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee Implementation Plan September Update be received.