Note: This item was dealt with under sub-item 5.1. Please see sub-item 5.1 for motion.
Mayor Taylor provided an overview of the Mulock Park project and the long-term planning decisions that Council would be making today. The Chief Administrative Officer thanked Staff for their work on this project and provided an introduction to the presentation.
The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer began the presentation with an overview of the projected funding for new recreation capital from 2021 through to 2030, and the various funding sources which could be available. He further reviewed the proposed Mulock Park budget, excluding the Mulock house, and the impact of the Mulock Park on the overall recreation capital program. The presentation continued with an outline of the available funding sources going forward for other recreation projects and new recreation capital. The Director of Recreation and Culture concluded the presentation with an outline of the four potential approaches to sponsorship, and provided conceptual overviews of both the full sponsorship and moderate but impactful approaches.
Members of Council queried the presenters regarding various uses for development charges collected by a municipality, sponsorship opportunities, contingency amounts noted within the proposed budget, and the impact that this project will have on other capital projects in Town.