Town of Newmarket


Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management

Meeting #:
Electronic VIA ZOOM
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Members Present:
  • Tom Hempen, Chair (8:52 AM - 10:11 AM)
  • Councillor Kwapis
  • Councillor Twinney
  • Debbie Hill
  • Mark Iacovetta
  • Jennifer McLachlan
  • Ken Sparks
Members Absent:
  • Allan Cockburn, Vice Chair
  • Rob Clark
  • Omar Saer
Staff Present:
  • E. Hawkins, Business Development Specialist
  • J. Grossi, Legislative Coordinator

​The meeting was called to order at 8:35 AM.
Councillor Kwapis in the Chair from 8:35 AM to 8:52 AM.
Tom Hempen in the Chair​ from 8:52 AM to 10:11 AM. 


Councillor Kwapis advised that all Town facilities were closed to the public, and that members of the public were encouraged to attend an electronic Advisory Committee or Board Meeting by joining through the ZOOM information provided with the agenda.

Representatives from Inn From the Cold and Blue Door provided a deputation to the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management regarding the opportunities available to business owners through their employment social enterprise program. 

The Board Members discussed the types of jobs that would be included in the program and advised that they would share the program information with the general membership.

  • Moved by:Councillor Kwapis
    Seconded by:Ken Sparks
    1. That the presentation provided by representatives of Inn From the Cold and Blue Door regarding the Inn Team and Construct be received. 


Darryl Erentzen provided a deputation to the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management regarding the Digital Main Street Lab opportunity for funding. Darryl provided information on the application process and the ability to use these funds towards updating the website. 

The Board Members discussed the costs associated, the services that Darryl Erentzen would provide, and reviewed other BIAs who have used this funding for website updates. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Kwapis
    Seconded by:Councillor Twinney
    1. That the deputation provided by Darryl Erentzen regarding the Digital Main Street Lab be received. 

  • Moved by:Jennifer McLachlan
    Seconded by:Ken Sparks
    1. That the COVID-19 Marketing and Advertising sub-committee discuss this opportunity further with Darryl Erentzen and use the pre-approved budget to fund the application fees. 

  • Moved by:Jennifer McLachlan
    Seconded by:Ken Sparks
    1. That the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Special Meeting Minutes of March 11, 2020 be approved; and,
    2. That the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Meeting Minutes of September 16, 2020 be approved. 



Tom Hempen advised that the COVID-19 Marketing & Advertising sub-committee was hoping to meet again soon and provide some ideas to the Board at a future meeting.

The Business Development Specialist provided information regarding an opportunity with Snapd regarding a historical tour of Main Street using their AR technology. The program would include beacons, marketing and historical videos paid for by the Town of Newmarket, with the option to include local business videos through partnerships. She advised that the Town was looking to partner with the BIA for this project, and was requesting $5750 to cover the costs of producing 15 videos related to Main Street businesses. The Business Development Specialist advised that these videos could be updated in the future for an additional cost if necessary, but they would never expire in their current form.

The Board Members discussed the partnership with Snapd and the Town of Newmarket, the potential focus of the 15 videos, and the locations of the beacons. They queried Staff regarding the financial commitment from the Town and asked for the opportunity to share email contacts to increase reach. 

  • Moved by:Jennifer McLachlan
    Seconded by:Mark Iacovetta
    1. That the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Directors approve $5750 towards the partnership with Snapd and the Town of Newmarket regarding a historical tour of Main Street using AR technology. 


Councillor Kwapis encouraged business owners to advise the Town if there are issues with garbage around the in-ground containers and advised that the Town will collect it as quickly as possible.

Tom Hempen advised that the parking situation on Main Street during Summer 2020 was not reflective of a typical year and that there were vacant parking spots on Main Street and in surrounding parking lots, once things get back to normal regarding COVD-19, we will will continue to look for further parking solutions. He further advised that there was a lot of foot traffic on the street in the Summer months, creating a vibrant atmosphere. 

The Business Development Specialist provided an overview of the current financial statements and advised that the COVID-19 Marketing & Advertising sub-committee had not spent any of their approved budget at this time. 

The Business Development Specialist advised that there were no further updates regarding the Financial Incentive Program Staff Working Group. 

The Business Development Specialist and the Legislative Coordinator provided an update on the remaining meetings for 2020, including potential Annual General Meeting (AGM) dates. The Board Members provided their availability and asked Staff to schedule the 2020 AGM on Thursday November 19, 2020 at 6:00 PM. 

Ken Sparks queried the Board Members and Staff regarding the Santa Parade and Candlelight Parade event plans for 2020. Staff advised that the Events team is working on holiday celebration options for 2020 and will provide additional information once it is available. 

Jennifer McLachlan advised the Board that she was developing a new delivery program for Main Street businesses and that additional information would be distributed by email once available. The Board Members congratulated her and advised that it would be a helpful addition to the street. 

Tom Hempen advised that there was no requirement for Closed Session.

  • Moved by:Jennifer McLachlan
    Seconded by:Debbie Hill
    1. That the meeting be adjourned at 10:11 AM.
