The meeting of the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management was held on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 in the Community Centre, Hall # 2 - 200 Doug Duncan Drive, Newmarket.




Members Present:









Glenn Wilson, Chair

Anne Martin, Co-Chair (7:35 to 9:45 p.m.)

Elizabeth Buslovich

Carmina Pereira

Olga Paiva

Jackie Playter

Rory Rodrigo


Siegfried Wall





Staff Present:




C. Kallio, Economic Development Officer

L. Moor, Council/Committee Coordinator 


T. Hempen

K. Sparks



The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.


G. Wilson in the Chair.


Additions and Corrections to the Agenda


O. Paiva advised that she wished to add Marketing Sub-committee Minute Taking to the agenda.


R. Rodrigo advised that he wished to provide a verbal update regarding the status of the Newmarket Stage Company to the agenda.


J. Playter advised that she wished to query the process applied for Board of Management appointments to the agenda.


K. Sparks queried the status of the Main Street BIA website.  The Chair advised that the website is live and updates to the site itself should be applied shortly. 


A.  Martin arrived at 7:35 p.m.


Declarations of Pecuniary Interest




Approval of Minutes



Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Minutes of May 17, 2016.


Moved by:        Jackie Playter

Seconded by:   Elizabeth Buslovich


THAT the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Minutes of May 17, 2016 be approved.





Marketing Sub-committee Report


O. Paiva advised that paper copies of Marketing Sub-committee Reports are unavailable.  She further advised that time constraints are preventing her from preparing minutes from the Marketing Sub-committee meetings. 





Financial Verbal Update/Account Balance


The Economic Development Officer provided a status update of the bank balance and distributed a copy of the operating budget balance sheet as at May 31, 2016. 


Moved by:         Olga Paiva

Seconded by:    Anne Martin


THAT the status update by the Economic Development Officer regarding the operating budget balance as at May 31, 2016 be received.







Community Centre Lands Re-Development Report


The Chair provided a verbal update regarding the meeting held on June 13, 2016, which he attended dealing with aspects of the Community Centre Lands Re-development.  He provided details of meeting topics being renaming of parking lots to names instead of numbers, wayfinding signage update, sewer relocation deferral and possible design plan competition.


Moved by:          Anne Martin

Seconded by:    Rory Rodrigo


THAT the verbal update from the Chair regarding the Community Centre Lands Re-development Report be received.





Lower Main Street Heritage Advisory Report


The Chair advised that the new Mediterranean restaurant scheduled to open at 235 Main Street will be known as Aubergine.


Moved by:         Anne Martin

Seconded by:    Rory Rodrigo


THAT the verbal update by the Chair regarding Lower Main Street Heritage Advisory be received.





Newmarket Downtown Development Committee Report


The Economic Development Officer provided a verbal update regarding the upcoming NDDC meeting scheduled for June 24, 2016 and advised of the applications for consideration. 


Moved by:        Jackie Playter

Seconded by:  Rory Rodrigo


THAT the verbal update regarding the upcoming NDDC meeting scheduled for June 24, 2016 be received.





Street Events Update


O. Paiva provided a verbal update regarding details associated with the Canada Day festivities including the location of the sound stage, road closures, vendor booths etc.


She further advised that plans are being finalized for the Music on Main Street event scheduled for July 30, 2016. 


K. Sparks queried the insurance requirements associated with the Canada Day festivities and tent booth set-ups. 


Moved by:          Carmina Pereira

Seconded by:     Anne Martin


THAT the verbal update regarding the Canada Day festivities and Music on Main Street event be received.





BIA Event Participation Policy


The Chair advised of some challenges associated with merchant participation/booth/tent set-up during Main Street events where businesses utilize the space in front of their establishments.  Discussion ensued regarding participation without encroachment on neighbouring property owners. A suggestion was made to have one space allocated per physical address and a policy implemented to ensure fairness. 


Further discussion ensued regarding polling the membership about the feasibility of implementation of an ‘Event Participation Policy’.  A suggestion was made to defer this matter until more research and information can be obtained about the logistics of implementation. 



Marketing Sub-committee Minute Taking


Olga Paiva requested that another Board Member offer to take minutes at Marketing Sub-committee meetings as time constraints make it difficult for her to continue in that role.  A suggestion was made to have a rotating position of minute taking by the Members of the Marketing Sub-committee.  Carmina Pereria advised she would attempt to find an individual willing to take on the task.



Newmarket Stage Company Update


Rory Rodrigo advised that he recently attended the Newmarket Stage Company’s Annual General Meeting and provided a verbal update of their financial success with appreciation accolades sent to the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management for their support. 


He also provided a brief update regarding the Newmarket Arts Council who is in the process of revamping their mission and strategy and he would provide more details as they become available.



Process of Appointments


Jackie Playter requested clarification regarding the process associated with appointment of replacement members to the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management.  The Chair provided a verbal update regarding a compiled list of restauranteurs who showed interest in a position on the Board of Management.  A suggestion was made that other Members be afforded an opportunity to review such list of names.


Moved by:        Rory Rodrigo

Seconded by:  Jackie Playter


The Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management recommends to Council:


THAT the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management requests that the Town of Newmarket defer the decision of the Appointment Committee’s recommendation of a restauranteur member to afford the BIA Board of Management an opportunity for input into the selection.




The Council/Committee Coordinator advised that the minutes of this meeting would not be completed in time for Town Council agenda preparation, and as such, the Chair advised he would provide a deputation to Council on June 27, 2016 with respect to this matter.







Closed Session


There was no requirement for a Closed Session.


New Business


a) Discussion ensued regarding the recent Car Show event held on June 19, 2016 and the closure of Main Street.  Discussion ensued regarding communication methods applied for road closures. 


Moved by:         Rory Rodrigo

Seconded by:    Olga Paiva


THAT Main Street closures not be permitted for any event without the endorsement of the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management.




b) The Chair requested a volunteer to take on the task of providing e-blast information of upcoming events and activities to area merchants and businesses to keep them informed.  Jackie Playter offered to send out the information in a regularly scheduled e-mail newsletter.  




Moved by:        Olga Paiva 

Seconded by:   Siegfried Wall    


THAT the meeting adjourn.




There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.











G. Wilson, Chair



No Item Selected