The meeting of the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management was held on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 in Community Centre - 200 Doug Duncan Drive - Hall # 3, Newmarket.




Members Present:












Glenn Wilson, Chair

Elizabeth Buslovich

Anne Martin

Carmina Pereira

Olga Paiva

Jackie Playter

Rory Rodrigo

Siegfried Wall (7:46 to 9:15 p.m.)


Councillor Sponga


Ken Sparks

Dave Robinson (7:35 to 8:00 p.m.)



Staff Present:

C. Kallio, Economic Development Officer

C. Service, Director of Recreation and Culture (7:35 to 8:00 p.m.)

L. Moor, Council/Committee Coordinator



The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.


G. Wilson in the Chair.


Additions and Corrections to the Agenda


The Chair advised that the agenda items would be altered to accommodate the guests in attendance being heard.


Declarations of Pecuniary Interest






Approval of Minutes



Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Minutes of November 17, 2015.


Moved by:  Carmina Pereira

Seconded by:  Elizabeth Buslovich


THAT the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Minutes of November 17, 2015 be approved.







The Director of Recreation and Culture addressed those present to provide facts with respect to the possible venue relocation of the Jazz Festival to the Ray Twinney Recreational Complex.  He advised that the festival has outgrown the Riverwalk Commons space and there are challenges associated with weather conditions over a four day festival.  He further advised that an indoor location would be suitable for a big name entertainment act without fear of cancellation due to inclement weather. Discussion ensued regarding the feasibility of using the Ray Twinney Recreational Complex as well as lead up events in the downtown core. 


Siegfried Wall arrived at 7:46 p.m.


Discussion ensued regarding having an opportunity to determine the Main Street Merchants opinions with respect to relocation of this event. 


Moved by:  Olga Paiva

Seconded by:  Siegfried Wall


THAT the Jazz Festival relocation update by the Director of Recreation and Culture be received.





Marketing Sub-committee Report


The Chair distributed copies of the September 29, 2015 and the October 14, 2015 Marketing Sub-committee Minutes.


Moved by:  Carmina Pereira

Seconded by:  Elizabeth Buslovich


THAT the Marketing Sub-committee Minutes of September 29, 2015 and October 14, 2015 be received.




Financial Report



Verbal Update/Account Balance


The Economic Development Officer distributed a balance sheet document and advised of a bank balance of approximately $13,000.00 at November 30, 2015. 


Moved by:  Rory Rodrigo

Seconded by:  Siegfried Wall


THAT the verbal update by the Economic Development Officer regarding the bank balance at November 30, 2015 be received.





Website Update Report


The Chair provided an update regarding securing the services of Mr. Jason Griffin, operator of Website, a Main Street entrepreneur to provide customized website production.  He distributed a copy of the quotation provided detailing $499.00 for set-up and $50.00 per month for the first year and $150.00 per month thereafter for website maintenance.  


Moved by:  Jackie Playter

Seconded by:  Carmina Pereira


THAT the quotation provided by Mr. Jason Griffen, Website for icustomized website production be approved.





November/December events review


The Chair read aloud the expense amounts associated with the November and December events totaling $782.11 payable to Adline Co.

Moved by Elizabeth Buslovich

Seconded by Rory Rodrigo


THAT the expense amounts associated with the November and December events totaling $782.11 payable to Adline Co. be approved.




Discussion ensued regarding the method applied to offering complimentary tickets to various individuals for the Main Street Merchants Christmas gathering.


Moved by:  Anne Martin

Seconded by:  Olga Paiva


THAT the nine tickets offered as complimentary for the Main Street Merchants Christmas gathering held on December 7, 2015, and as listed in the requested expense amount referenced in the November/December events be approved for reimbursement.





Newmarket Winter Wonderland Sponsorship


The Chair requested approval of sponsorship funding in the amount of $500.00 for Winter Wonderland lighting in Riverwalk Commons.   


Moved by:  Jackie Playter

Seconded by Carmina Pereira


THAT an amount of $500.00 be approved for the sponsorship of Winter Wonderland lighting in Riverwalk Commons.




New Business


a) Rory Rodrigo advised that he had recently attended the Town of Newmarket’s Sponsorship recognition ceremony held at Ground Burger Bar on December 2, 2015 where the Newmarket BIA received the ‘Best Connection Award’.  Discussion ensued regarding sponsorship opportunities and the feasibility of different levels of sponsorship from the BIA membership for the 2016 Winter Wonderland event.



The Economic Development Officer suggested that the BIA members work with Town staff to jointly promote Town and Main Street events.


b) The Chair requested a formal appointment of a Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management representative to the Newmarket Arts Council.


Moved by:  Olga Paiva

Seconded by:  Siegfried Wall


THAT Rory Rodrigo be appointed as the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management representative to the Newmarket Arts Council.




c) The Chair advised that in response to recent disclosures made at the November 23rd, 2015 BIA Annual General Meeting regarding the property known as the Clock Tower, Anne Martin wished to present a motion for consideration.  Copies were distributed and Anne Martin read aloud the proposed motion as follows:


Moved by:  Anne Martin

Seconded by:  Carmina Pereira


THAT the BIA Board of Management only supports responsible development within the 3 storey height limitations permitted in the Downtown Newmarket Heritage Business District under the Heritage Act, in order to retain the charm, historic character and positive business climate of the District;


And, in keeping with this position,


THAT the BIA Board of Management opposes the Forrest Group’s intended plan to build a multi-storey, high density residential project (“The Clock Tower Project”) in the heart of the Heritage Business District;


And further,


THAT the BIA Board of Management objects to and opposes any proposed transfer or swap of Town-owned Heritage land (specifically the land on or below the critically important Market Square parking block) by the Town to the Forrest Group or any other developer for the purpose of providing space to build an underground parking lot for its intended project, the construction of which would have catastrophic effects on BIA Member businesses;


And further,


THAT the BIA Board of Management objects to and opposes the use of Town-owned Heritage property (specifically the current Market Square parking block) by the Forrest Group or any developer for the purpose of staging its massive proposed private development project because the loss of crucial public parking spaces in the Town-owned Market Square over a lengthy construction period would have devastating effects on BIA Member businesses in the Downtown Heritage District;


And further,


THAT the BIA Board of Management makes a timely deputation advising the Newmarket Town Council of the BIA’s position on these serious matters;


And lastly,


THAT this motion be reported verbatim in the Minutes of this meeting.


A lengthy discussion ensued during which the Economic Development Officer provided a verbal update regarding the recent re-activated development application for the property known as the Clock Tower. He suggested that a Planning Department representative could be invited to a future Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management meeting to provide information with respect to the process involved with development applications.  Discussion ensued regarding the public meetings held regarding this specific application.  The Economic Development Officer advised that the public meetings held when the original application was submitted were organized by the developer as a manner of assessing interest from the community and did not form part of the statutory process.


The Chair requested a recorded vote.


In Favour:  Siegfried Wall, Elizabeth Buslovich, Olga Paiva, Carmina Pereira, Anne Martin, Glenn Wilson, Rory Rodrigo

Opposed:  Jackie Playter






Moved by: Olga Paiva            


Seconded by: Anne Martin          



THAT the meeting adjourn.



There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.










G. Wilson, Chair


No Item Selected