The meeting of the Newmarket Environmental Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 in the Mulock Room, 395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket.


Members Present:

Councillor Sponga (7:24 to 9:06 p.m.)

Nicole Hamley, Chair

John Birchall

Michelle Bourdeau

David Kempton

Jill King

Petra Vollmerhausen




Cathie Ethier



Staff Present:

C. Schritt, Traffic Technician

C. Finnerty, Council/Committee Coordinator


The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.


Nicole Hamley in the Chair.


Additions & Corrections to the Agenda




Declarations of Pecuniary Interest




Approval of Minutes



Newmarket Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes of March 2, 2016.


Moved by:      Michelle Bourdeau


Seconded by: David Kempton



THAT the Newmarket Environmental Advisory Committee Minutes of March 2, 2016 be approved.






Moved by:      John Birchall


Seconded by: Petra Vollmerhausen



THAT the correspondence items, previously distributed by e-mail, be received.







Discussion regarding the Municipal Energy Plan.



J. Birchall provided an update from the Municipal Energy Plan Stakeholder Advisory Group and advised that the timeframe for comments has been delayed to provide an opportunity for NEAC to comment on the draft plan.  Discussion ensued regarding the draft plan, including items that may require further refinement, funding challenges for environmental projects, membership on the stakeholder group.  The following areas were identified for inclusion and/or clarification in the draft plan:

·         what is a retrofit – considerations for residential retrofit, including timelines, required infrastructure, potential costs, etc. 

·         the label program should maintain consistency with other plans and not be unique to the Newmarket project.

J. Birchall suggested that all members provide him with their comments, by e-mail within two weeks for compilation and consideration by the Committee at the May 4, 2016 meeting.



NEAC Workplan and Council Workshop Presentation on April 11, 2016.



The Council/Committee Coordinator distributed the workplan, as revised by J. Birchall to include further deliverables and priorities.  Discussion ensued regarding the Council Workshop presentation. 



Discussion regarding the Newmarket Farmer's Market.



Discussion ensued regarding past presence at the Newmarket’s Farmer’s Market and whether there was interest to have a presence at the Farmer’s Market, storage challenges, volunteer recruitment, scheduling and potential interactive engagement opportunities. Committee members were requested to advise the meeting Chair of their interest and availability to participate. 



Event Updates




Regional Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting - March 30, 2016.




The Chair provided a verbal update on the Regional Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting that was held at the Bill Fisch Forest Stewardship and Education Centre in Stouffville on March 30, 2016.  She advised that those in attendance were provided with a tour of the meeting facility and summary of the environmental features of the building.  Discussion ensued regarding Regional tree canopy targets and works of other Environmental Advisory Committee’s within the Region.




Neighbourhood Network Tree Planting - April 30, 2016.




J. Birchall advised of the upcoming Neighbourhood Network Tree Planting which will take place on April 30, 2016.




Holland River Clean-up - May 7, 2016.




J. Birchall advised of the upcoming Holland River Clean-up on May 7, 2016 and provided background on NEAC’s presence at past events.  Discussion ensued regarding participation at the event.




Community Garage Sale - May 28, 2016.




P. Vollmerhausen advised that the location and insurance have been obtained.  She further advised that commitments from NEAC members and volunteers to assist remain outstanding.  J. Birchall to determine whether there is a need for the garage sale signs to be replaced and submit sign locations to P. Vollmerhausen.  


Moved by:      John Birchall


Seconded by: Petra Vollmerhausen



THAT the Committee approve an advertising expenditure not exceeding $600.00 for two ads in the Newmarket Era newspaper and further signage, if required. 




New Business



Councillor Sponga advised that LEAF will be hosting an event at Riverwalk Commons on July 16, 2016.



P. Vollmerhausen requested an update on Earth Hour.  Councillor Sponga advised that Ward 1 and Ward 7 won the War of the Wards and will be receiving a community barbecue event.




Moved by:      David Kempton


Seconded by: Michelle Bourdeau



THAT the meeting adjourn.




There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.









Nicole Hamley, Chair


No Item Selected