Town of Newmarket


Accessibility Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Electronic VIA ZOOM
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Members Present:
  • Steve Foglia, Chair
  • Jeffrey Fabian
  • Felim Greene
  • Linda Jones
  • Allen Matrosov
  • Councillor Simon
  • Huma Tahir
Members Absent:
  • Patricia Monteath
Staff Present:
  • J. Bond, Manager of Parks & Property Services
  • A. Cammaert, Manager of Planning & Building Services
  • M. Ashworth, Capital Works Project Manager
  • E. Engman, Capital Projects Work Manager
  • P. McIntosh, Recreation Programmer - Seniors & Special Needs
  • A. Walkom, Legislative Coordinator

​​The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM.
Steve Foglia in the Chair.


Steve Foglia advised that all Town facilities were closed to the public, and that members of the public were encouraged to attend an electronic Advisory Committee or Board Meeting by joining through the ZOOM information provided with the agenda.

Lisa Rapoport, PLANT Architect Inc. provided a presentation to the Accessibility Advisory Committee regarding the Mulock Property Design Concept which reviewed the park paths, the main house and the out-buildings. She compared the accessibility of the existing paths, the proposed primary and secondary paths, and the multi-use path that would be used as a skating trail in the winter months. The presentation then reviewed the main house floor plans of the first and second floors and basement, including the slope of the entrance to the house and an accessible ramp. The presentation continued with an outline of the elevator access to the second floor and a review of the accessible parking onsite. She further explained the design of the out-buildings being the artist residency, conservatory, and Zamboni building.

The Members queried the presenter regarding specific design elements such as the slope of entrance ramps, automatic door operators, stair placement and the swing of doors in relation to ramp placement. They further provided feedback on the inclusion of a universal washroom on the property similar to the Upper Canada Mall project, the preference to use ramps over stairs throughout the pathways, access to accessible equipment that can be used on the skating rink, and the ability for people with disabilities to enjoy all design components of the property. 

  • Moved by:Felim Greene
    Seconded by:Jeffrey Fabian
    1. That the presentation provided by Lisa Rapoport, PLANT Architect Inc. regarding the Mulock Property Emerging Design Concept be received.


The Capital Works Project Managers provided a presentation regarding the Newmarket Outdoor Skatepark which included an overview of the design, accessible elements around the perimeter, and the seating options. They further advised that the existing parking at the Magna Centre would be used.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee queried the presenters regarding concrete features, the use of rolling hills versus ramps, slopes of features, and proximity to accessible parking.

The Capital Works Project Managers advised that the construction would start in 2021. 

  • Moved by:Felim Greene
    Seconded by:Huma Tahir
    1. That the presentation provided by the Capital Works Project Managers regarding Newmarket's Outdoor Skatepark be received. 

  • Moved by:Felim Greene
    Seconded by:Linda Jones
    1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2020 be approved. 



The Capital Works Project Manager provided an update regarding the North-West Quadrant PH5 Parking Lot including an outline of accessible parking spots, design elements and the trail grading.

  • Moved by:Linda Jones
    Seconded by:Jeffrey Fabian
    1. That the update provided by the Capital Works Project Managers regarding the North-West Quadrant PH5 Parking Lot be received. 


The Legislative Coordinator advised that Economic Development Staff were reviewing the current Financial Incentive Program to determine if accessibility projects could be incorporated into the existing scope, or if additional approvals were required.

Steve Foglia advised that he was working on a presentation for the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management regarding accessibility. He asked that the Legislative Coordinator provide him with the pictures taken at the audit conducted in 2019. 

The Legislative Coordinator advised that Public Works Services Staff were reviewing the option to add smaller signs below the existing accessible parking signs at the previously identified four locations downtown. 

Allen Matrosov provided the Committee with an update regarding accessible taxis in Newmarket, and the need to partner with other municipalities for success. 

The Members discussed the AODA requirements and the opportunity to recommend this approach to both York Region and the Province. 

The Legislative Coordinator advised that the Grant Coordinator informed that once the required funding is available for a large renovation such as Fairly Lake, it will be the top priority. In the interim a smaller retrofit grant was available and it was applied to retrofit the Rene Brey washroom.

The Committee asked for an update on the Rene Brey washroom project at their next meeting.

Jeff Fabian queried Staff regarding accessible parking availability at all Town of Newmarket parks. Staff advised that they would follow up and provide an update to the Committee when appropriate.

  • Moved by:Jeffrey Fabian
    Seconded by:Felim Greene
    1. That the meeting be adjourned at 12:09 PM.
