Town of Newmarket


Newmarket Anti-Black Racism Task Force

Meeting #:
Electronic VIA ZOOM
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Members Present:
  • Jerisha Grant-Hall
  • Nadia Hansen
  • Lori-Anne Beckford
  • Councillor Bisanz
  • Councillor Broome
  • Claudius Brown (4:06 PM - 5:09 PM)
  • Holly Douglass
  • Gavin Gunter
  • Councillor Morrison
  • Opiyo Oloya
  • Maxine Gordon Palomino
  • Kimberly Roach
  • Leslie Serieux
Members Absent:
  • Gary Miranda
Staff Present:
  • Jennifer Rose, Healthy Program Workplace Specialist
  • Jaclyn Grossi, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 4:02 PM.
Jerisha Grant-Hall in the Chair.


Jerisha Grant-Hall advised that all Town facilities were closed to the public, and that members of the public were encouraged to attend by joining through the ZOOM information provided with the agenda.

Kim Clark, Gazelle and Company & Erin Cerenzia, Neighbourhood Network provided a presentation to Newmarket's Anti-Black Racism Task Force regarding the Engaged Inclusive Communities project. Kim outlined the purpose of the project and which communities would have access to the data, along with how this information could be used to enhance communications. She further advised that this project would include a report that incorporated the challenges, opportunities and needs of each community. 

The Members of the Task Force queried the presenter regarding York Region homelessness data and race, the channels for distribution of this information, and the inclusion of grassroot organizations. 

  • Moved by:Kimberly Roach
    Seconded by:Holly Douglass
    1. That the presentation provided by Kim Clark regarding the Engaged Inclusive Communities project be received.



  • Moved by:Councillor Bisanz
    Seconded by:Leslie Serieux
    1. That the Newmarket Anti-Black Racism Task Force Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2021 be approved.



Maxine Gordon Palomino provided an affirmation to the Newmarket Anti-Black Racism Task Force which included the following quote from Marcus Garvey, "A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."

She further advised that the task force acknowledges the challenges, contributions and triumphs of those whose stories have not been told and those whose stories are hidden; and for all to resolve to do their best in their own ways to bring their stories to light. 

Gavin Gunter provided an update for subcommittee #1, and reported that community interviews were currently underway and that a lot of valuable information was being collected . He further advised that the survey questions were almost finalized and invited others to provide feedback.

Kimberley Roach provided an update for subcommittee #2, and reported that they received a presentation regarding the Town of Newmarket Diversity and Inclusivity working group which included current training and education practices. 

Holly Douglass provided an update for subcommittee #3, and reported that they had been conducting research into programming for youth in Ontario and York Region. 

All Task Force Members were encouraged to review the survey questions and draft any additional questions that would be helpful to the work of their subcommittees.


  • Moved by:Councillor Morrison
    Seconded by:Holly Douglass
    1. That the meeting be adjourned at 5:09 PM.
