The meeting of the Appointment Committee was held on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 in Cane B, 395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket.


Members Present:

Mayor Van Bynen (10:20 – 11:00 a.m.)

Regional Councillor Taylor

Councillor Twinney



Staff Present:

A. Brouwer, Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk

L. Lyons, Deputy Clerk

T. Horton, AMCTO Intern

C. Finnerty, Council/Committee Co-ordinator


The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.


Councillor Twinney in the Chair


Additions & Corrections to the Agenda




Declarations of Pecuniary Interest




Approval of Minutes



Appointment Committee Minutes of January 21, 2014 and Appointment Committee (Closed Session) Minutes of January 21, 2014.



Moved by:      Regional Councillor Taylor


Seconded by: Councillor Twinney



THAT the Appointment Committee Minutes of January 21, 2014 and Appointment Committee (Closed Session) Minutes of January 21, 2014 be approved.






Items for Discussion



Legislative Services Memorandum dated August 12, 2014 regarding Boards/Committees, 2014-2018 Term of Council.



The Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk provided an overview of the current Committee review, as approved by Council in May, 2013.  Through the Committee review process, the intent is to commence recruitment for statutory boards and Committees, followed by a discussion and policy regarding the operation of Committees and a workshop regarding public engagement.  An operating policy outlining the governance process is currently being drafted and different approaches to obtaining public engagement, including task forces, community forums and use of new technologies are being reviewed.


Discussion ensued regarding current Committee reporting mechanisms and structures, length of appointment terms, the role of technology in obtaining public engagement, including telephone town halls and webinars, operating policies and best practices.  Information generated from research of best practices for municipal Committees and public engagement to be brought forward to a workshop for Council’s consideration.



Moved by:      Regional Councillor Taylor


Seconded by: Mayor Van Bynen



THAT the Legislative Services Memorandum dated August 12, 2014 regarding Boards/Committees, 2014-2018 Term of Council be received.






Questionnaire for Board and Committee Members.



The Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk advised that a questionnaire regarding Boards and Committees has been prepared for circulation to current Committee members in order to obtain feedback on their experience on a Newmarket Committee.  One-on-one meetings will be arranged with Committee Chairs and Council Members, as required and where available.


Discussion ensued regarding the questionnaire and additional questions for inclusion on the survey were proposed.  The Appointment Committee was provided until Friday, August 29, 2014 to provide any additional feedback on the questionnaire prior to its circulation to Committee Members.





Moved by:      Regional Councillor Taylor


Seconded by: Mayor Van Bynen



THAT the questionnaire for Board and Committee Members be received.





New Business



The Committee discussed the structure of the Newmarket Economic Development Advisory Committee and recommended developing a roster of candidates with decisions on Committee appointments to be made by the new Council. 



The Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk advised that he is currently reviewing the appointment process and other governance requirements relative to the Municipal Act for the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management.




Moved by:       Mayor Van Bynen

Seconded by: Regional Councillor Taylor


THAT the meeting adjourn.




There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.









Councillor Twinney