The meeting of the Main Street District Business Improvement Area was held on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 in Community Centre - 200 Doug Duncan Drive - Hall #2, 395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket.


Members Present:

Glenn Wilson, Chair

Anne Martin

Olga Paiva

Carmina Pereira (7:37 to 9:46 p.m.)

Jackie Playter

Rory Rodrigo

Siegfried Wall (7:52 to 9:46 p.m.)






Elizabeth Buslovich

Councillor Sponga

Staff Present:

C. Kallio, Economic Development Officer

L. Moor, Council/Committee Coordinator


The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.


Glenn Wilson in the Chair.


Additions and Corrections to the Agenda


The Economic Development Officer advised that he would like to include the item of Art Banners on Main Street to the agenda.


R. Rodrigo advised that he would like to include discussion regarding the Newmarket Stage Company’s recent request for funding assistance to the agenda.


Declarations of Pecuniary Interest


O. Paiva declared a conflict of interest in Item 4 of the agenda being P1 Parking Discussion.  She advised she would take no part in the discussion or voting of this matter.




Approval of Minutes



Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2015.


Moved by: Jackie Playter    


Seconded by: Rory Rodrigo 



THAT the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Minutes of July 21, 2015 be approved.





Receipt of Marketing Sub-committee Meeting Minutes


The Chair advised that the Marketing Sub-Committee has not met during the summer months; hence there are no minutes to receive at this meeting.


Financial Report



 Financial Update - Economic Development Officer


  The Economic Development Officer distributed copies of an Excel spreadsheet document with budget figures listed and provided a verbal update of the account balance. Discussion ensued regarding payment of newspaper advertising and a revenue source of associate membership fees.


Moved by: Rory Rodrigo     


Seconded by: Olga Paiva  



THAT associate membership in the Main Street District Business Improvement Area be set at a $500 annual fee; with the stipulation that said fee excludes voting privileges  and must be paid in full before engagement in any benefits accompanying participation as an ‘associate member’.  










Moved by: Rory Rodrigo     


Seconded by: Carmina Pereira   



THAT the verbal financial update and account balance by the Economic Development Officer be received.









P1 Parking


The Economic Development Officer provided a verbal status update regarding the issue of the locked gate in the parking lot known as P1.  He advised of recent meetings with Town administrators in an attempt to resolve the dilemma of unusable parking stalls when the gate is shut and locked.  He further informed those present that a detailed report with staff recommendations will be considered at the Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for August 31, 2015.   


Discussion ensued regarding access to the parking lot known as P1, the Town requirements associated with utility maintenance and special event accommodation.



Community Centre Lands Development Committee Update


The Economic Development Officer advised that the Committee has not yet met and he will be the staff liaison who will be providing future updates. 



Art Banners on Main Street


The Economic Development Officer provided a verbal update regarding the Newmarket Group of Artists upcoming fall tour and requested endorsement in promotion of the studio tour by support of art banner placement on Main Street. 


The Chair, on behalf of the Business Improvement Area Board of Management acknowledged with gratitude the Newmarket Group of Artists who wished to promote their studio tour on Main Street.



Newmarket Stage Company


R. Rodrigo requested some resolution to the Newmarket Stage Company’s request for financial assistance from the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management in order to kick-off their theatre productions.


Discussion ensued regarding fundraising efforts to date, co-operation of merchants in promotion of their events, possible pledges and the BIA’s challenges associated with financial commitments.  The Chair suggested that the Stage Company provide a written proposal of funding needs and line item details.  The Chair suggested that this matter be deferred to the the Marketing Sub-committee and reported back to the September meeting of the BIA membership.    


New Business


a)            O. Paiva advised that the next scheduled meeting of the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management will be held at the Canada T location at 255 Main Street South. 


b)            The Chair distributed copies of a draft letter prepared by Mr. Ranji Singh requesting endorsement of a one-time Caribbean and South Asian Showcase parade in the summer of 2016.  Discussion ensued regarding possible closure of Main Street to vehicular traffic on Saturdays during the summer months.  A suggestion was made to call a general meeting to obtain feedback from merchants regarding potential Saturday road closures.


Moved by: Olga Paiva      


Seconded by: Anne Martin    



THAT the draft letter from Mr. Ranji Singh requesting endorsement of a one-time Caribbean and South Asian Showcase parade in the summer of 2016 be received;


AND THAT the one-time parade concept be endorsed in principle by the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management pending Mr. Singh obtaining all relevant location approvals.




c)            S. Wall requested that the Town of Newmarket consider viewpoints of the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management with respect to parking concerns and allow involvement and contributions in downtown parking discussions on a go forward basis.












Moved by: Carmina Pereira      



Seconded by: Olga Paiva    




THAT the meeting adjourn.




There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.








Glenn Wilson, Chair


No Item Selected