Town of Newmarket


Newmarket Anti-Black Racism Task Force

Meeting #:
Electronic VIA ZOOM
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Members Present:
  • Jerisha Grant-Hall, Chair
  • Nadia Hansen, Vice Chair
  • Claudius Brown
  • Holly Douglass
  • Gavin Gunter
  • Councillor Morrison
  • Maxine Gordon Palomino
  • Kimberly Roach
  • Leslie Serieux (4:46 PM - 5:09 PM)
Members Absent:
  • Lori-Anne Beckford
  • Councillor Bisanz
  • Councillor Broome
  • Gary Miranda
  • Opiyo Oloya
Staff Present:
  • J. Rose, Healthy Program Workplace Specialist
  • J. Grossi, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order at 4:04 PM.
Jerisha Grant-Hall in the Chair.


Jerisha Grant-Hall advised that all Town facilities were closed to the public, and that members of the public were encouraged to attend an electronic meetings by joining through the ZOOM information provided with the agenda.

The Legislative Coordinator reviewed the process for members of the public to join an electronic Advisory Committee, Board or Task Force Meeting and how to view all in attendance via ZOOM. 



  • An alternate motion was presented and is noted below in bold. 

    Moved by:Holly Douglass
    Seconded by:Nadia Hansen
    1. That the minutes of the Newmarket Anti-Black Racism Task Force Minutes June 1, 2021 be approved, as amended.



Holly Douglass provided an affirmation to the Newmarket Anti-Black Racism Task Force which included the following quote from the podcast On Being episode 855 entitled Robin DiAngelo and Resmaa Menekem: In Conversation. 

“For me, this idea of allyship really does fall into the place of whether or not white people have the capacity to stop what I call Declarations of Independence.  Declarations of I’m not racist. Declarations of I’m an ally. Declarations that I’m a good individual white person – and they’re going to have to start really beginning to figure out how to build a CULTURE around abolishing white supremacy.  Anything other than that, for me, really is performance art.  It’s not real.  If you’re not going to be with other white bodies, grinding on specifically about race and specifically about the things that show up when white bodies get together to build culture – then I’m not interested in your credentialing or your virtue signaling”. 

Jerisha Grant-Hall provided an overview of the draft vision statement attached and asked the Members to provide input on any revisions. The Members discussed a few minor language changes to ensure that the vision thoroughly captured the mandate of the Task Force. 

Jerisha Grant-Hall advised that a final vision statement was expected to be adopted at the September meeting of the Task Force. 

Gavin Gunter provided an update on behalf of subcommittee one and advised that there were no updates at this time.

Holly Douglass provided an update on behalf of subcommittee two and advised that there were no updates at this time.

Kimberly Roach provided an update on behalf of subcommittee three and advised that they have reached out to Statistics Canada to request a breakdown of the census data categories by race, reviewed some of the findings, highlighted specific areas of interest. 

Jerisha Grant-Hall reviewed the mandate of the Task Force and provided clarity on how to meet the goals outlined. The Members discussed the subcommittee structure and agreed that it was no longer required as the mandates had been fulfilled, and the opportunity for a working group to be created for the curation of the final report.

  • Moved by:Nadia Hansen
    Seconded by:Gavin Gunter
    1. That the current three subcommittees be dissolved as their mandates have been fulfilled; and,
    2. That a working group made up of one Council representative and up to six Task Force Members be formed to develop the final report, which contains the following Members:
      • Councillor Morrison, Maxine Gordon Palomino, Gavin Gunter, Nadia Hansen, Jerisha Grant-Hall, and Holly Douglass.



  • Moved by:Holly Douglass
    Seconded by:Councillor Morrison
    1. That the meeting be adjourned at 5:09 PM.
