Town of NewmarketAgendaNewmarket Economic Development Advisory CommitteeMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, February 13, 2024Time: 4:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Location:Cane RoomMunicipal Offices395 Mulock DriveNewmarket, ON L3Y 4X71.Notice This meeting will be held in person only at 395 Mulock Drive. 2.Additions & Corrections to the Agenda 3.Conflict of Interest Declarations 4.Presentations & Deputations 5.Approval of Minutes 5.1Newmarket Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2022 and November 14, 2023 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - NEDAC_Feb15_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - NEDAC_Nov14_2023 - English.pdf That the Newmarket Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2022 and November 14, 2023 be approved. 6.Items 6.1Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT): Growing Newmarket Tourism Note: Chris Kallio, Economic Development Officer, will speak to this item. 6.2Treefrog Accelerator Update: International Program and Recent York Region Innovation Funding Note: Sean Stephens, CEO, and Laurie Baker, Executive Director, Treefrog Accelerator, will speak to this item. 6.3York Region Economic Development Action Plan: Newmarket Partnership Opportunities Note: Chris Kallio, Economic Development Officer, will speak to this item.7.New Business 8.Closed Session (if required) 9.Next Meeting 10.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - NEDAC_Feb15_2022 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - NEDAC_Nov14_2023 - English.pdf