The meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee was held on Thursday, April 17, 2014 in the Community Centre & Lions Hall, Hall 4, 200 Doug Duncan Drive, Newmarket.


Members Present:

Diane Bladek-Willett

Steve Foglia (Chair)

Ursula Rehdner

Wendi Williams-Gordon




Councillor Twinney

Naeem Bacchus

Laura Charpentier



Staff Present:

Lisa Lyons, Deputy Clerk

Pat McIntosh, Recreation Programmer, Leisure & Inclusion Services

Chrisanne Finnerty, Council/Committee Coordinator


The Committee performed an accessibility audit of the Community Centre & Lions Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


The meeting was called to order at 11:04 a.m.


Steve Foglia in the Chair.


Additions & Corrections to the Agenda




Declarations of Pecuniary Interest




Deputations / Presentations



Presentation regarding Accessibility at the 2014 Municipal Election and Demonstration of Accessible Voting Equipment.




The Deputy Clerk provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding accessibility measures being implemented for the 2014 municipal election, including election objectives, voting locations and barrier removal measures being implemented, staff and volunteer training, communication plans, post-election reporting and next steps.  A demonstration of the accessible voting equipment was provided. 


Discussion ensued regarding barrier removal, including magnifying screens of different strengths, task lighting for the voting screen area and having the accessible tabulator on a height adjustable table.   There was also discussion regarding accessibility ambassadors and their role up to and including election day. 


Approval of Minutes



Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes of March 20, 2014.




Moved by Diane Bladek-Willett

Seconded by Wendi Williams-Gordon



THAT the Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes of March 20, 2014 be approved.






Items for Discussion



National Access Awareness Week Discussion.



The Committee reviewed and discussed plans and events for National Access Awareness Week.

·         National Access Awareness Week should be included in all calendars produced by the Town of Newmarket;

·         East Gwillimbury has been approached regarding partnership opportunities;

·         The draft brochure was distributed for review and revision;

·         The Newmarket Lions Club has been approached to hold a barbecue at the Celebrating Accessibility and Abilities’ event.









Moved by Ursula Rehdner

Seconded by Steve Foglia



The Accessibility Advisory Committee recommends to Council:


THAT the Town of Newmarket proclaim June 1 – 7 as ‘National Access Awareness Week’.






Accessibility Audit Discussion.



The Committee discussed hosting the next audit to correspond with the May 15, 2014 meeting date either at the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex or Magna Centre. 


Action Item List



Action Item List Review.




The Action Item List Review was deferred to the next meeting.


New Business







Moved by Wendi Williams-Gordon

Seconded by Diane Bladek-Willett



THAT the meeting adjourn.






There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:04 p.m.










Steve Foglia, Chair


No Item Selected