Ian McDougall, Chief Administrative Officer provided introductory remarks.
Jeff Payne, Commissioner, Community Services and Peter Noehammer, Commissioner, Development and Infrastructure Services provided a presentation regarding Parks and Recreation Capital Plan including capital planning development, stakeholder consultation, preparation of the capital plan, capital funding tools and sources, capital project planning (active, planning and future stages), estimated project costs, financial considerations, proposed legislative changes, future cost implications of new assets, replacement cost allocations, estimated available funding, estimated funding shortfall, capital project list, active stage capital projects (0-5 years), planning phase capital projects (5-10 years), future phase capital projects (10+ years), high profile asset replacement projects, resources and staff capacity, resourcing capital plan delivery options, recommendations and next steps.
Members of Council queried the Commissioner of Community Services and Commissioner of Development and Infrastructure Services regarding initiatives already underway versus planned for future, 5-10 year plans, lighting and irrigation maintenance in pathway connections, asset replacement funds and timelines with associated projects.
This matter was dealt with as part of item 7.3.