Town of Newmarket


Committee of the Whole - Electronic

Meeting #:
Streamed live from the Municipal Offices
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7
Members Present:
  • Mayor Taylor
  • Deputy Mayor & Regional Councillor Vegh
  • Councillor Simon
  • Councillor Woodhouse
  • Councillor Twinney
  • Councillor Morrison
  • Councillor Kwapis
  • Councillor Broome
  • Councillor Bisanz
Staff Present:
  • I. McDougall, Chief Administrative Officer
  • E. Armchuk, Commissioner of Corporate Services
  • P. Noehammer, Commissioner of Development & Infrastructure Services
  • L. Lyons, Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk
  • S. Chase, Director of Innovation and Strategic Initiatives
  • A. Mollicone, Senior Solicitor
  • A. Walkom, Legislative Coordinator
  • J. Grossi, Legislative Coordinator

​For consideration by Council on January 17, 2022.

Mayor Taylor in the Chair.

Committee of the Whole recessed at 2:51 PM and reconvened at 3:00 PM.


Mayor Taylor advised that this meeting was streamed live at Residents who would like to provide comment on an item on this agenda were encouraged to provide their feedback in writing through email to Legislative Services at [email protected] or by joining the meeting electronically through video or telephone. He advised residents that their comments would form part of the public record.

The Chief Administrative Officer provided an introduction to the presentation and provided a background on the Strategic Priority process and progress to date in their implementation. The Director of Innovation & Strategic Initiatives provided a live demonstration of the interactive Strategic Priorities dashboard on the Town's website. The presentation included an update on the accomplishments throughout the term on Council's Strategic Priorities.

  • Moved by:Councillor Simon
    Seconded by:Councillor Morrison
    1. That the presentation provided by the Director, Innovation & Strategic Initiatives regarding an Update to Council's Strategic Priority Dashboard be received. 


The Commissioner of Development & Infrastructure Services provided an introduction to the presentation and a background on York Region's update to its Transportation Master Plan. Brian Titherington, Director, Transportation & Infrastructure Planning and Lauren Crawford, Manager, Transportation Long-Term Planning provided a presentation which outlined the process to develop the Transportation Master Plan and the target schedule. The presentation included an overview of the road cycling, trails, rapid transit and roads networks proposed for 2051. The presentation concluded with the proposed focus areas of the plan, the key messages and next steps in the process.

  • Moved by:Councillor Woodhouse
    Seconded by:Councillor Bisanz
    1. That the presentation provided by Brian Titherington, Director, Transportation & Infrastructure Planning and Lauren Crawford, Manager, Transportation Long-Term Planning regarding the 2022 York Region Transportation Master Plan be received. 


Adrian Bain, Executive Director of the Newmarket Food Pantry provided a deputation which outlined the proposal to install a community refrigerator at the Newmarket Public Library. He outlined the details of the plan to distribute food using the refrigerator and the benefits of the proposed location.

  • Moved by:Councillor Twinney
    Seconded by:Councillor Broome
    1. That the deputation provided by Adrian Bain, Executive Director of the Newmarket Food Pantry regarding the Newmarket Food Pantry Community Fridge be received. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Kwapis
    Seconded by:Councillor Woodhouse
    1. That sub-items 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 be adopted on consent.

    1. That the Audit Committee Meeting Minutes of June 15, 2021 be received. 

    1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of September 16, 2021 be received. 

    1. That the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Annual General Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2020 and Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2021 be received. 

    1. That the Newmarket Public Library Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2021 be received. 


Councillor Bisanz inquired as to the status of the lands recently donated by the Glenway development and when residents would be able to begin to access the area. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that Town staff would need more time to ensure the lands are ready for public access and would report back to Council with further information and timelines.

Councillor Simon inquired as to statistics related to Automated Speed Enforcement cameras operated within Newmarket. The Commissioner of Development & Infrastructure Services provided an overview of the Automated Speed Enforcement in York Region and advised a report would be provided once the pilot project had completed.

  • Moved by:Councillor Bisanz
    Seconded by:Councillor Broome
    1. That the Committee of the Whole resolve into Closed Session to discuss the following matters:
      1. Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement - Shining Hill - A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board as per Section 239(2)(k) of the Municipal Act, 2001.


    The Committee of the Whole resolved into Closed Session at 3:01 PM.
    The Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) Minutes are recorded under separate cover.
    The Committee of the Whole resumed into Open Session at 4:24 PM

Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement - Shining Hill

  • Moved by:Councillor Broome
    Seconded by:Councillor Twinney
    1. That the meeting be adjourned at 4:24 PM. 
