Whereas local municipalities are being given no control on the location, or the number, of retail Cannabis stores in their communities;
Whereas there are a number of outstanding questions regarding the economic and social impact of the establishment of a new legal retail system for cannabis in Ontario;
Whereas there is uncertainty regarding the number of retail stores that may be allowed to open and regarding the amount of revenue to be shared;
Whereas municipalities are only being given until January the 22nd 2019 to opt in or opt out;
Whereas a municipality may opt out and later opt in but cannot opt out once they have opted in;
Now therefore be it resolved:
2. That Newmarket Town Council advise the Hon. Victor Fedeli, Minister of Finance; the Hon. Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Francophone Affairs and Attorney General; and the Hon. Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, that Newmarket is not a willing host of a cannabis retail locations in our community; and,
3. That the Town Clerk be directed to provide the required notice of Council's decision to opt-out of permitting retail cannabis stores to (i) the Registrar under the Alcohol, Cannabis, and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996, (ii) the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), and (iii) the Province of Ontario within three (3) business days of the date of passing; and,