Town of Newmarket


Accessibility Advisory Committee

Meeting #:
Streamed live from the Municipal Offices
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7
Members Present:
  • Steve Foglia, Chair
  • Jeffrey Fabian
  • Huma Tahir
  • Kathleen Kedzierski
  • Bev Moffatt
  • Mitsy Jones-Bailey
Members Absent:
  • Kelly Broome
  • Steve King
Staff Present:
  • E. Thomas-Hopkins, Legislative Coordinator

​​The meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM.
Steve Foglia in the Chair.



Steve Foglia advised that members of the public may view this meeting through the livestream available at, or attend in person at the Council Chambers at 395 Mulock Drive. 

  • Moved by:Kathleen Kedzierski
    Seconded by:Jeffrey Fabian
    1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2024 be approved. 




The Recreation Programmer - Inclusion & Support Services provided a verbal update regarding the Town's programming for National AccessAbility Week including adaptive sports equipment, activities, social media engagement, and participating organizations.

  • Moved by:Bev Moffatt
    Seconded by:Kathleen Kedzierski
    1. That the verbal update provided by Chiara Walsh, Recreation Programmer - Inclusion & Support Services regarding Town of Newmarket - National AccessAbility Week Programming be received. 


Jeff Fabian provided a verbal update on Feedback Session on Library Space Update regarding the welcoming spaces focus group at the Newmarket Library including ideas from brainstorming, recommendations and suggestions. 

  • Moved by:Bev Moffatt
    Seconded by:Huma Tahir
    1. That the verbal update provided by Jeff Fabian regarding Feedback Session on Library Spaces be received. 


Steve Foglia provided a verbal update on MP/MPP Meeting on Main Street with the Newmarket - Aurora Member of Parliament and Newmarket - Aurora Member of Provincial Parliament regarding accessibility matters on Main Street. 

Members discussed adding discussion points to the meeting agenda including specific statistics, universal design, and personal experiences. 

Members discussed the Committee Checklist including public spaces audits, Fairy Lake washroom project, accessible parking spaces at 395 Mulock Drive, the Mulock Park property, fire safety education session, and meeting on Main Street with the MP/MPP.

Members worked to complete an online module regarding training on the legislation Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). This training is free and is available to the public at

Steve Foglia provided a verbal update regarding a recent event with York Region's Accessibility Advisory Committee and an upcoming event to mark National AccessAbility Week. 

  • Moved by:Bev Moffatt
    Seconded by:Jeffrey Fabian
    1. That the meeting be adjourned at 11:36 AM. 

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