Town of Newmarket
Committee of the Whole

Meeting #:
Streamed live from the Municipal Offices
395 Mulock Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7



This meeting will be streamed live at

Public Input

Individuals who wish to submit input to Council in relation to an item on this agenda have the following options available.

  1. Email your correspondence to [email protected] by end of day on February 19, 2025. Written correspondence received by this date will form part of the public record; or,
  2. You are strongly encouraged to pre-register if you would like to make a deputation at the meeting. For more information regarding the options available, email your request and contact information to [email protected].

Note: Additional items are marked by an asterisk*.

    1. That the report entitled “Stormwater Charge For Residential Properties With Low Runoff ” be received; and,
    2. That Council approve the 2024 stormwater charges for residential properties that meet the criteria as outlined in the report to be adjusted to the 2023 charges, and to be maintained at the same amounts in 2025 and 2026; and,
    3. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled Parking By-law Amendments dated February 24, 2025 be received; and,
    2. That Council approve the attached Amendment By-law 2025-08; and,
    3. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the report entitled “Municipal Accommodation Tax: Municipal Services Corporation Incorporation and Operating Agreement” dated February 24, 2025 be received; and,
    2. That Articles of Incorporation be filed for a municipal services corporation with the name Newmarket Tourism Development Corporation, or such other similar name as is approved by the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer if Newmarket Tourism Development Corporation is not available; and,
    3. That Council approve the form and content of By-law No. 1 (Attachment 1) as being satisfactory to the Town and appropriate for adoption by the board of directors of the municipal services corporation, subject to any modification to the name of the corporation within the document, if needed, in accordance with recommendation 2; and,
    4. That provided Council has approved a decision at a Town Council meeting, the Mayor and the Clerk is authorized to execute a written resolution confirming that decision on behalf of Council in its role as the sole voting member of the municipal services corporation in lieu of having a Member’s Meeting of the municipal services corporation; and,
    5. That Council appoint the following officers to the municipal services corporation:
      1. the Mayor shall be the Chair of the Board of Directors;
      2. the Chief Administrative Officer shall be the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors;
      3. The Director, Financial Services of the Town of Newmarket (or designate) shall be the Treasurer of the Corporation; and,
      4. The Clerk of the Town of Newmarket (or designate) shall be the Secretary of the Corporation; and,
    6. That the Operating Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket and the municipal services corporation (Attachment 2) be approved, subject to any modification to the name of the corporation within the document, if needed, in accordance with recommendation 2; and,
    7. That the CAO be authorized to execute the Operating Agreement on behalf of the Town; and,
    8. That the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the municipal services corporation be authorized to execute the Operating Agreement on behalf of the municipal services corporation; and,
    9. That the Asset Transfer Policy for corporations wholly-owned by the Town (Attachment 3) be approved; and,
    10. That the Municipal Accommodation Tax Reserve Fund Policy (Attachment 4) be approved; and,
    11. That Staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
    1. That the Main Street District Business Improvement Area Board of Management Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2025 be received.