Note: This item was dealt with under item 6.1. See item 6.1 for motion.
The Commissioner of Development & Infrastructure Services provided an introduction to the presentation and an overview of the process that has occurred thus far. He reviewed the themed design concepts presented to Council at their previous Special Committee of the Whole meetings and provided next steps for engagement on the designs including a Public Information Centre scheduled for March 2021.
Lisa Rapoport of PLANT Architect Inc. provided a presentation on the Mulock Arboretum design concept. The presentation included a detailed overview of the site including features such as the skate trail, splash pad and pavilion, conservatory and diversity gardens and an artist residency and historic garden. The presentation continued with an overview of sustainability measures to be included on the site, including targets for energy use, material use strategy and water conservation. The presentation continued with various options for landscape lighting and the overall strategy for incorporating lighting throughout the site. The presentation concluded with next steps for the project, with the Master Plan targeted for Council approval in April 2021.
Members of Council queried the presenter on the proposed site plan including vehicle access, drop-off, traffic flow and parking in relation to seasonal uses and amenities. Members further discussed the lighting plans for the grounds, use of existing buildings, water features, the skating trail and plans for the house.