The Director of Planning & Building Services provided an introduction to the presentation and an overview of the local policy context which impacts development in the Town of Newmarket. He outlined how the Town, York Region and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority work together to protect the environment when considering development applications. Karen Whitney, Director, Community Planning & Development Services, York Region provided an overview of York Region's role in plan review and transportation planning.
Scott Lister, Program Manager, Source Water Protection, York Region provided an overview of the sources for drinking water in Newmarket and the measures that are taken to protect drinking water from contamination. Melinda Bessey, Director, Planning, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) provided an overview of the role for the LSRCA in the review of planning applications including natural heritage, hydrogeology review and engineering review. The presentation concluded with an overview of the regulations which applications must comply with to be approved by the LSRCA.
Members of Council asked questions of the presenters regarding phosphorous offset, protection of the Oak Ridges Moraine, the impact of development on flood risk, regionally significant woodlots in Newmarket and the effect of development on the quality of drinking water.