Note: This item was dealt with under item 6.1. See item 6.1 for motion.
The Director of Planning and Building Services provided an introduction to the presentation and provided a background on the project and process to date. The Senior Planner - Development provided a presentation which outlined the value of Newmarket's trees, York Region's tree canopy target for Newmarket being 35%, and the proposed by-law to address the protection of trees on private property. Staff provided an overview of the draft by-law in relation to compensation calculations, application fees, municipal comparators, proposed process mapping, and a comprehensive enforcement strategy. The presentation concluded with an implementation plan including education and awareness campaigns, and next steps.
Members of Council queried staff regarding the protected woodlots and heritage woodlots within the Town, applicability to larger developments, the proposed timeline, and draft fees and charges. They further discussed application fees relative to the provided municipal comparators, protection of historically significant trees, proposed exemptions to the by-law, and compensation options.